The Family Competence Program (PCF) is the adaptation made in Spain by the GIFES-UIB Group of Strengthening Families Program (SFP). It is based on scientific evidence of multicomponent type program, it is aimed at preventing drug use and other behavioral problems in children (http://prevention.samhsa.gov/). Through the Family Competence Program an improvement in parenting competence, social skills and children’s behavior (version 7-11, 11-14 and 12-16 years old) is achieved, as well as in family relationships. The complete program includes three simultaneous programs: one aimed at parents, one aimed at children and a third one aimed at the family for joint work.
The Family Competence Program is the result of research conducted by the Social and Educational Training and Research Group (Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social) and their associates during the implementation, assessment and adaptation of the SFP in families with a parent in treatment for detoxification and in at-risk families.
On this website you can find information regarding the Family Competence Program and how to contact the authors if you are interested in implementing it.