Project EDU2016-79235-R. Validation of Universal Family Competence Program 10-14 (PCF-U)
Call for proposals 2016. Projects I+D+i - State research program, development and innovation advice the challenges of the society.
Principal investigator: Maria del Carmen Orte Socías
Year starting: 2017. Year of end: 2020.
Pilot study PCF 12-16
"Convenio de colaboración entre la Fundación Bancaria la Caixa d'estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona 'La Caixa' y la Universidad de las Islas Baleares.", 2016. Contract with FUNDACIÓ LA CAIXA.
Principal investigator: María del Carmen Orte Socías.
Year starting: 2016. Year of end:
Cultural adaptation of Strengthening Families Program 12-16. Education proposal evidence-based family for families with social problems and with children adolescents. Acronym: ACUPROBEFAM.
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
PLAY - State d'R + D + i als Reptes Oriented Program of the Society. Reptes: N.
Official Project: EDU2013-42412-R
Principal investigator: Members Carme Orte.
Year starting: 2014 Year end: 2016.
Prevention of misconduct in the family: Parental Competences Program for families at social risk (PROCOMFAM)
Ministry of Education and Science.
National Programme of Social Sciences, Economics and Juridical
Official num. of Project: SEJ2007-67306
Head researcher: Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2007 Year of end: 2010
Prevention of misconduct in the family: Parental Competences Program for families at social risk.
Council of Economy, Treasury and Innovation. Government of Balearic Islands
Support Programe for competitive research groups. Department of research, technological development and innovation of the Council of Innovation and Technology
Official num. of Project: PCTIB-2005GC1-04
Main researcher: Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2007. Year of end: 2009
Collaboration agreement between the Local Ministry of Social Affairs, Promotion and Immigration, and the University of the Balearic Islands to carry out socio-educational programs in 2007 and 2009
Head researcher: Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2007. Year of end: 2009.
Prevention of drug use in the family: Parental Competence Program for drug abusers in treatment.
Ministry of Health and Consume
Official num. of Project: Orden SCO/1883/2005
Head researcher: Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2006 Year of end: 2008.
Implementation of the Family Competence Program in the neighborhoods of La Soledad and Polígono de Levante
Head researcher:
Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2006. Year of end: 2007
Prevention of drug use in the family: Parental Competence Program for drug abusers in treatment.
Directorate General for Research, Technological Development and Innovation. Local Ministry of Economy, Treasury and Innovation. Government of the Balearic Islands.
Program for Research Projects and Technological development of the Government of the Balearic Islands
Official num. of Project: PRIB-2004-9956
Head researcher: Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2005. Year of end: 2005.
Prevention of drug use in the family: Parental Competence Program for drug abusers in treatment.
Local Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Government of the Balearic Islands
Program for Applied Research and Development Projects
Head researcher: Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2005. Year of end: 2005.
Prevention of drug use in the family: Parental Competence Program for drug abusers in treatment.
Local Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Government of the Balearic Islands
Program for Research Support
Head researcher: Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2004. Year of end: 2005.
Prevention of drug use in the family: Parental Competence Program for drug abusers in treatment.
Ministry of Science and Technology
Official num. of Project: BSO2003-08717/PSCE
Head researcher: Carme Orte Socias
Year of start: 2003. Year of end: 2006.