“Present and future challenges of SFP interventions around the world”
University of Balearic Islands
The different SFP interventions around the world face similar challenges: cultural adaptation and fidelity, instruments of evaluation, validation of international adaptations, follow-up analysis, gender issues, incorporation of technologies in the implementation…
This one-day workshop aims at aligning the concerns of SFP researchers and implementers around these subjects. In special, one of the main aims is to reach a “gold standard” of evaluation and to discuss the best instruments for it.
Guest speakers: Karol Kumpfer (Emeritus Prof. University of Utah, USA), Richard Spoth (Iowa State University, USA) and John Toumbourou (Professor Deakin University, Australia), and other important well-known scholars (TBA).
Event date: 20/11/2018
Publication date: 26/09/2017