2nd International Workshop on the Strengthening Families Program

“Present and future challenges of SFP interventions around the world”

University of Balearic Islands

The different SFP interventions around the world face similar challenges: cultural adaptation and fidelity, instruments of evaluation, validation of international adaptations, follow-up analysis, gender issues, incorporation of technologies in the implementation…

This one-day workshop aims at aligning the concerns of SFP researchers and implementers around these subjects. In special, one of the main aims is to reach a “gold standard” of evaluation and to discuss the best instruments for it.

Guest speakers: Karol Kumpfer (Emeritus Prof. University of Utah, USA), Richard Spoth (Iowa State University, USA) and John Toumbourou (Professor Deakin University, Australia), and other important well-known scholars (TBA).

Event date: 20/11/2018

Publication date: 26/09/2017